Acupuncture originated in China over 3,000 years ago and involves the insertion of super fine sterilised single-use needles into specific points on the body to stimulate the Qi (energy), restore balance and facilitate healing.
An initial acupuncture consultation takes up to 90 minutes, allowing time to take a detailed history, develop a
Acupuncture originated in China over 3,000 years ago and involves the insertion of super fine sterilised single-use needles into specific points on the body to stimulate the Qi (energy), restore balance and facilitate healing.
An initial acupuncture consultation takes up to 90 minutes, allowing time to take a detailed history, develop an appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan and deliver the first treatment. I will ask to see your tongue and take your pulses as these give me vital clues about your health. I might also palpate the meridians on your lower legs and arms.
Once the needles have been inserted, they are usually retained for 20-30 minutes. Most people find acupuncture a restful experience and I aim to create a calm environment in which you can relax.
Follow up appointments will take up to one hour.
As the effects of Acupuncture are cumulative, with each treatment building on the last, it is advisable to commit to an agreed course of sessions in order to achieve maximum benefit.
Where appropriate, additional techniques such as moxibustion, cupping or guasha may be included in a treatment:
Moxibustion involves burning the herb mugwort (Artemesia Vulgaris) in stick or cone form over specific parts of the body in order to achieve a warming effect and boost circulation. It can be used to reduce pain and inflammation, boost immunity and vitality and support digestion.
Cupping – A partial vacuum is created within glass or plastic cups, which are then placed over the skin. This has a lifting effect on the connective tissue, boosting circulation and helping to move stagnant Qi, fluids and toxins. Cupping is great for relieving back or neck pain and easing muscle tension, but is also helpful for treating respiratory conditions. Cupping will usually leave marks on the skin, which can remain for up to 5-7 days.
Guasha– A special tool is pressed across the skin in order to promote normal circulation to the muscles and tissues directly beneath the area that is treated. It is great for resolving spasms, stiffness and pain. As with cupping, Guasha will leave marks on the skin (known as ‘sha’), which can range from red to purple depending on the level of congestion in the tissues, and these will fade after a few days.
Acupuncture treatment can be helpful for many conditions, including the following:
Acupuncture treatment can be helpful for many conditions, including the following:
To find out whether a course of acupuncture could be beneficial for you, please contact me at / 07789 204535 to arrange a free 15 minute telephone consultation.
Acupuncture is a safe mode of treatment, which has been used for many years. Any needles used are single use, hair thin and pre-sterilised and, as a member of the British Acupuncture Council I adhere to their strict code of safe practice.
It's normal to feel some tingling or a dull ache as I insert and adjust the needle, but insertion of t
Acupuncture is a safe mode of treatment, which has been used for many years. Any needles used are single use, hair thin and pre-sterilised and, as a member of the British Acupuncture Council I adhere to their strict code of safe practice.
It's normal to feel some tingling or a dull ache as I insert and adjust the needle, but insertion of the needles is not usually painful and many people find acupuncture quite relaxing as it can help to calm the nervous system and put the body into a parasympathetic (restful) state.
For those who are anxious about being treated with needles, I offer laser acupuncture (needle-free low level light therapy) to stimulate the points. / 07789 204 535
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